Cabin History
August 19, 2011
We all know the old adage of “It takes a village to raise a child.” It is with this motto that Kitscoty Community Cabin 4 Kids was envisioned. A passionate group of parents in Kitscoty united to turn this vision into reality, creating a community hub dedicated to nurturing not just their own children, but every child in Kitscoty. Through grassroots advocacy, writing grants, and community fundraising efforts, The Cabin opened its doors in 2011 to 10 kids. Today, The Cabin offers daycare and out-of-school services for up to 76 children aged 12 months to 12 years, exemplifying the spirit of community and care.
Here is our story, written by our founding member Miranda Jewitt.
My first real thoughts started when I took my two oldest to Playschool at the Mason Lodge. As a parent going through a couple of years I saw numerous problems. The building was limited in space, it had no outside play area, the upstairs had no natural light and there were structural problems which caused flooding and ant issues.
I started brainstorming on how I could change these things to be better for our children and community.
My second most powerful push to start the process was a young girl who was walking to school after 9, sort of lost, she was sort of a mess in attire and looked confused. I went across the street and asked her if she was ok. She didn’t know what time it was and where really should be. It came to me at that time that many parents have to leave their kids and go to work and they may not have family or have someone to send them to in those few hours before school and when their kids have to leave for school.
I felt our community needed a daycare with before and after-school care to help alleviate this stress.
When the group was formed in 2007, our focus was to create affordable care for children of all ages and hopefully eventually incorporate the playschool in the same building.
Not knowing many people, I started to ask around about who might be interested in this kind of group. I started phoning people.
I got an informal group to meet at my house and eventually each other's house to start working on this. Nancy Miciak, Kevin Miciak, Candice Mclean, Kristen Byrt, Brad and Tina Bogucky, Patti Johnson, Holii Harty. We had more people join after the initial start such as Angela O’hare, Kerry Phillips, Pam Becotte and Kristen Herzog.
Our mission was affordable daycare, after-school care with eventually housing the Playschool and maybe to incorporate work experience programs for teens as well as creating jobs in our community.
I started the group, but it was the passion and teamwork of the whole group that helped this group become a reality. Buffalo Trails Public Schools and Don Herzog were a huge asset.
We applied for a grant through the Alberta Government that was specifically for daycares for our first building. With the support and help from Buffalo Trails Public School district, we were approved for a building.
We hosted Santa Claus Day, ball tournaments, surf and turf, summer fun program to help bring awareness to support the cause. I did an interview with Lloyd news when we received the first building.
I also approached Pim Page as a former resident about supporting the group. He repeatedly helped with ball tournaments, donated money when the cabin was up and running and donated money when his Mom passed, hence the naming of the after-school program.
Don Herzog was another huge contributor to help with the groundwork for buildings and playground. He donated many hours and equipment to prepare things. He also was a major backing for us in receiving our second building.
When we first purchased land by the curling rink, but after working with the Board of Trustees and Randy in infrastructure with Buffalo Trails, we were granted a space in an agreement on the school grounds. Buffalo Trails Public School district helped with the grant and getting that building moved in, they also helped us with being able to obtain another building.
Land was a big hurdle, funds and enough hands to do everything were a hurdle. Everyone dedicated many hours of their time.
Our outcome is an amazing affordable place for our community and surrounding area. Relief for parents for their children who need before and after school care. It has also created jobs for our community as well. I am so very proud of this building. The hard work and dedication of a great group made something pretty amazing.